As Tom Kraeuter describes in his book, The Great Soviet Awakening (, how he with other Christian leaders visiting Eastern Europe were awed to hear of a great revival that occurred and was centered behind the “Iron Curtin” in the late 1970’s in Tennin, Estonia.
Regarding the events there, on Tom’s website he asks: “What would you do if the government confiscated all the Christian churches in your city?
“Further, what if they said that all Christ-followers would have to worship together in one location, regardless of denominational affiliation?
“No, this isn’t some sort of doomsday prediction. It really happened. But the outcome was nothing short of a God-ordained miracle.
“There is an increasing anti-Christian sentiment in both our society and our government. But this isn’t a time to hide in fear. Believers in America must recognize that God doesn’t need ideal circumstances to do His work. He worked powerfully and miraculously in the Soviet Union through a handful of believers. And God is no respecter of persons. He can do the same here. The big question is, Will we let Him?”
Communist authorities created a forced unity in the city, thinking the different Christian groups would destroy themselves in disagreements over worship styles and doctrine. Instead, Christians from the different denominations learned to get alone, love each other, and were successful in working together, in the Spirit of Christ resolving problems and issues. To the surprise of the Communist and others, a unity resulted like unto that for which Jesus prayed in John 17:20-23.
Many came hundreds of miles, strangely drawn to this suppressed city. The attenders included many Russian soldiers. Many who came were saved by faith. Young people were vitally involved. Contemporary music was an attraction.
The awakening was characterized by many physical healings. Tom Kraeuter saw a large room in the church building that was filled with equipment of “walkers,” crutches, wheelchairs, etc. that had been left there by the people because they were no longer needed. Great numbers had been directly healed during the awakening.
A church building with a dominating 400’ steeple, once in runs, was the center of the awakening events. To see it, Click here
The church was next door to the entrance of the KGB (the Soviet police) headquarters for that whole region of the Soviet Union, wherein the KGB had a camera filming all who entered and departed the church building.
One attender had a vision that said: “Go to Tennin” which is in Eastern Europe in Estonia. She at first thought the city was in Italy.
Author Tom Kraeuter lives near St. Louis, in Hillsboro, Mo. He has been the featured speaker/leader churches and other groups both in the USA and internationally. He can be contacted by calling 636-789-4522 or emailing