David Lane is the founder and director of the American Renewal Project. In this brief time of radio, he reports having lived in wickedness, deserving judgment, but God gave him “mercy!”
Concerned about the downward direction and sinful “skid” of our country, he developed the American Renewal Project. He has raised funds to provide hundreds of pastors and their wives to be “loved on” and encouraged to be bold servant leaders of our country.
Joan and I have attended Renewal Projects in both St. Louis and Kansas City, both in nice hotels … FREE!
As I write, an example of such is at the very nice Embassy Suites Hotel just west of St. Louis in St. Charles, Mo. The event is on Monday & Tuesday, October 19 & 11, 2016, primarily for senior pastors and their wives. (Reading this later? Check the website for similar ones in the future.)
The overview website is www.americanrenewalproject.org. The one specifically for the St. Charles event is http://theamericanrenewalproject.org/2016/09/missouri-pastors-and-spouses-only . Notice the terrific lineup of leaders – names you know — headlining the event.
Bott Radio Network — under the leadership of BRN founder Dick Bott and President Rich Bott — is solidly on board in supporting all Missouri pastors and their wives to attend and be refreshed. See BRN’s promotion of it at www.bottradionetwork.com.
Did I say “FREE?!” They happen in a nice hotel, three meals, great fellowship and encouragement for God’s special servants … pastors … to provide strong leadership in righteousness. It is free, but we need to “sign up.”
Now hear David Lane … in his own words.