The first of two recent radio conversations with him: “Preacher’s Kid” Reese Kauffman grew up having admiration for the many missionaries that came to his church, often staying overnight in his home. He also had high regard for the dedicated businessmen in the church his father served as pastor.
He wanted to be a part of both worlds. And so it happened.
The story of the worldwide ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship and its President, Reese Kauffman, is well presented in Pastor Robert Morgan’s book: Every Child … Every Nation … Every Day.
While teaching Bible studies, having breakthroughs in his prayer life in Indianapolis, IN, he had begun and was growing his business, KPI (Kauffman Products, Inc.) Robert Morgan describes the business success of KPI:
“… He was building an international complex in Indianapolis that was touching the world with innovative products – car horns, fan blades, manifolds, and seat belts for millions of automobiles; range tops for stoves; television frames and TV transformer end shields; and afterbodies and tail sections for practice bombs for all branches of the U.S. military. His commercial enterprise still occupied the lion’s share of his time, and he thought of himself a manufacturer who donated portions of his time, energy, money, and expertise to the Lord for His work. He didn’t yet realize his experiences in high volume manufacturing were preparing him to lead a high volume ministry. Looking back, Kauffman Products, Inc. was God’s schoolhouse to prepare Reese for leading a global evangelist mission.” (page 67)
Reese Kauffman had never heard of Child Evangelism Fellowship until 1975. During that time as a manufacturer he became involved in the Indianapolis chapter of CEF. His vision and leadership skills made an impact. In time he became connected in CEF’s national leadership in Warrenton, Mo, an hour west of St. Louis.
Reese was alarmed at what he saw. CEF was discouraged, its future greatly threatened. It operated on a “week to week” basis … and sometimes couldn’t meet the payroll; Many crisis events threated the very existence of CEF.
Then Reese Kauffman, age 39, was asked to become President of the worldwide ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship.
Now you can hear CEF’s President Reese Kauffman rejoice that … as CEF approaches its 80th birthday, they are within just a very few countries of being “face to face” ministry in every country in the world! An amazing 94% of the CEF workers live in the country where they serve! The Marshall Islands and but a few other island nations have just been penetrated with the Gospel though CEF workers. The most difficult one in the world is North Korea.
The most resistant of all nations, North Korea, is being prayed for constantly … and South Korean CEF workers are ready to “invade” North Korea with the Gospel. Impossible? The same was once thought of Cuba, and now Cube is one of the most responsive counties to the Gospel in the world!
In investing our time fruitfully, we should remember that children are – upon hearing about Jesus the Christ – are the most responsive group in the world.
Jesus loves the little children! Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me!”
At and at we can discover many options as to how we can serve and, thus, please God with the one life He has given each of us. : Every Child … Every Nation … Every Day … describing the many ways we can be a part … can be obtained at CEF’s website.