As a young boy Don Gray discovered pornography. Sadly, it began a 35 year addiction to porn!
Hear Don’s moving story … in his own words.
Fast forward many years: Don’s St. Louis County Pastor, Dr. Phil Hunter, invited Don to tell his personal story before the church. He did.
Longtime friend and Don’s fellow church member Judy Boen heard his moving story and urged me to tell his story on radio. I did.
In hosting 27 years of inspirational radio, this is the first experience that I recall of broadcasting one who acknowledged such bondage to porn.
With struggles in their marriage, his dear wife never gave up on him. One of her efforts to help was to urge Don to come with her to the church Dr. Hunter served as pastor. In doing so he heard the proclamation of the good news … and power … of Jesus.
At the same time in his car he listened to Bott Radio Network in his car. It was one day in 2011 that Don experienced great conviction while still in his car. He reports that tears flowed freely. He prayed that Jesus would save him and help him..
Jesus did, and in the process, broke his addiction to porn!