Dr. Richard Blackaby is President of Blackaby Ministries International (www.blackaby.net). The ministry rose into international prominence through the impact of his father’s work, known as Experiencing God! In this radio conversation at the 2016 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Richard noted that “…Seventy percent of churches in America are either plateaued or in decline…” Out of concern — and in the desire to be a part of the solution — he and his father wrote the book — Flickering Lamps – Christ & His Church..
The Blackaby Revitalization Ministry wants to help such churches … collectively and on a one-to-one basis.
At http://www.blackaby.net/revitalization/home/ we read:
“Seventy percent of churches in America are either plateaued or in decline. Thousands of churches are closing their doors each year. We don’t believe a struggling, declining, discouraged church brings glory to God. Being in one of these churches can be difficult. Pastors can feel like failures when they are unable to turn their church around or to stop its gradual decline. Church leaders can grow frustrated when nothing they attempt seems to make a lasting difference. It is easy to blame the culture or liberalism or a growing hostility to Christian values and teachings for the church’s problems. Yet there is a contradiction between the message of the Church and the health of the Church. The Church proclaims that God is all-powerful, but then its members worry and fret about its finances. The Church preaches that nothing is impossible for God, but then it sells its property and disbands. The Church proclaims that Christ can bring victory to any situation but then its members are plagued with addictions, divorce, and division. If God is indeed so powerful and wise, why are so many of His churches struggling and declining? This is a question many churches desperately need to answer.
“If you sense God wants more for your church than what you are currently experiencing, we want to help. It may well be that you have been doing everything you know to do. But that’s not enough. You need to do what GOD knows you should do! You must seek Him for those answers. We have walked with many pastors and churches as they sought God’s heart for their church. Pastors have discovered that God had much He still wanted to do in their church, but first the congregation had to operate God’s way. We know of churches on the brink of closing their doors that experienced a fresh moving of the Spirit in their midst. They went on to enjoy their best days as a congregation.
“Blackaby Ministries International does not have all the answers. But we know the One who does! We can help pastors as well as church members seek a fresh word and direction from God. Let us help you experience a fresh encounter with the risen Christ so you are prepared for the great work God wants to do through your church.”
Earlier Blackaby related radio segments, recorded and broadcast in the past, are as follows:
To hear … “Dr. Henry Blackaby (‘Experiencing God’); re his visits to joyful Angola Prisoners’ on death row!” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/442/5/;
To hear … “Ed Moncada, depressed, nearly quits ministry; Henry Blackaby used to see Ed ‘blossom’ in God’s plans” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/336/5/ ;
To hear … “Henry Blackaby: his “Experiencing God” in 70 languages, 6 million copies sold; on revival and 2nd coming” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/115/5/ … and …
To hear … “Dr.Henry Blackaby w/family in St. Louis leading Experiencing God events; powerful radio stories here” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/327/5/