Mike Blackaby is the son of Blackaby International Ministries Richard Blackaby and the grandson of Henry “Experiencing God” Blackaby, names known by millions worldwide.
Two points of concern “jump out” at me in this brief radio conversation with Mike: (1) the high number of professing Christian young people we are losing in commitment to Jesus when they leave home for college, and (2) the need for Christian apologetics to play a growing role in our capacity to defend our biblical faith and our Christian worldview!
Addressing these concerns were motivations leading him to co-author two books: one with his brother Daniel Blackaby, titled “When Worlds Collide: Stepping Up and Standing Out in an Anti-God Culture.” And the other written with his uncle, Tom Blackaby, titled “Seven Steps to Knowing, Doing, and Experiencing the Will of God for Teens.” This second one carries forward the important principles of “Experiencing God,” but is focused on language that communicates with younger people. They are available at www.blackaby.net and www.amazon.com.
Convinced that being solidly grounded in biblical faith will be even more important in the future, Mike is pursuing a PHD in Christian Apologetics at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. The president is Dr. Albert Mohler, one of the greatest defenders of biblical faith living today.
Hear Mike Blackaby talk about it … in his own words.
In helping today’s young people – some having no spiritual heritage and often having no father in their home – Mike encourages them. “Your family’s spiritual heritage has to start somewhere!” he tells them. “You can be the first in your family to begin a godly heritage!”
Mike sometimes appears on panels with his father and grandfather, a reminder to those present that generations within a family can have a “long line” of continuing spiritual heritage. All three of their households are in the same church – First Baptist Church, Jonesboro, Georgia – frequently connecting in the same 8:00 AM Sunday worship. Mike, as the youth minister there, is one of his grandfather’s pastors!
Bonus! Two of several inspirational “Blackaby” radio conversations available on www.haroldhendrick.com (do a search there for “Blackaby”): or just click here to hear … “Dr. Henry Blackaby (“Experiencing God”); re his visits to joyful Angola Prisoners’ on death row!” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/442/5/
and … to hear … “Richard & Henry Blackaby team available to help plateaued/declining/troubled churches. Call them!” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/795/5/
and … to hear … “Henry Blackaby: his “Experiencing God” in 70 languages, 6 mil sold; on revival and 2nd coming” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/115/5/