Ray Redlich, Vice-President of the New Life Evangelistic Center in St. Louis (www.newlifeevangelisticcenter.org), has been in ministry to the homeless for more than 40 years!
(Under the leadership of founder Larry Rice, for more than 40 years, New Life Evangelistic Center has ministered to and provided for the poor and homeless. Each night the Center provides – from donations – food and shelter to scores of men, women, and children. Some nights it has been as many as 300. Training programs are provided, thus reducing homelessness. During freezing weather, NLEC volunteers patrol the St. Louis streets, offering them warmth and shelter overnight, or blankets and other provision for those unwilling to go.)
Ray calls our attention to some very threating and dangerous proposed legislation – Board Bill (BB) 66 — pending in the St. Louis Board of Aldermen. He notes that aspects of BB 66 would “criminalize” homelessness … and those who minister to the homeless. (“It’s been called the ‘Anti-Good Samaritan’ law.”)
To explain the very disturbing realities of BB 66, Ray Redlich and NLEC President Larry Rice invite us to a free noon luncheon at noon on July 21, 2016, hosted by the Transformation Christian Church, 4141 Cook Street in north St. Louis. Again, the luncheon is free, bur reservations are requested to help in preparing. Please RSVP with a call to 314 881-3218
Ray expressed his concerns in a letter sent to many.
• ’’ … What we are seeing is a systematic effort to criminalize homelessness, and now on top of that to criminalize those who are reaching out to help the homeless. “ …
• “ … A special note to all Winter Patrol volunteers: This could have very adverse effects on your outreach. If BB 66 becomes law, it could require a vendor’s license simply to hand out a blanket to someone downtown or in a park and place other restrictions as well …”
A powerful example of NLEC’s impact:
About 20 years ago, Jerome Bracely was “dealing drugs” and living under a bridge. He caught a city bus to NLEC wherein he was received and cared for. In the process there, he received Jesus Christ in repentance and saving faith, became “clean,” received training … and now he is repeating the process by providing a large St. Louis home for addicted men!
And in recording radio with Ferguson Mayor James Knowles, I learned that he was a “winter patrol” volunteer … even before the Ferguson turmoil of 2014.
Several radio conversations conducted with Ray’s wife, Judy Redlich are available for anytime listening by doing a search for her name at www.haroldhendrick.com. One of them, titled … “Judy Redlich leads STL Joni &Friends in ministry to the disabled, not letting her blindness stop her” …. can be accessed by clicking on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/679/5/ .