Before He returned to Heaven, Jesus Christ commanded all his followers: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotes part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 –NASB).
“Jerusalem” represents our home area. “Judea” the larger area around us … county, state, country. “Samaria” focuses on crossing racial, cultural, and social line. (Remember that the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 was surprised that Jesus even spoke to her … because of her race.) “ … the remotest part of the earth.” clearly is a worldwide focus … and, thankfully, it is happening today!
A command is really not an option. Most every believer can remember some form of witness, testimony, story – often many of them — about Jesus Christ that was a significant factor in their coming to faith in Christ.
Many forms of witnesses came into my life and at age 15, I was drawn to saving faith that impacted the entire course of my life. Am I ever glad and thankful!
In this short radio story, Tom Firasek – Partnerships minister of the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association (SLMBA) composed of 120+ churches and missions — explains one effort to be obedient. Each year in June thousands of believers gather at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention…this year being in St. Louis! And each year – culminating on the Saturday preceding the annual June event – there is “Crossover!” Hundreds visit the host city to join many locals to witness to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. (Tom knows of 1,300 coming into St. Louis for Crossover in 2016.)
It happens in many ways and forms, but the plan is to obey the command of Jesus in Acts 12:8.
(Prominent and appreciated Southern Baptist preachers include Drs. David Jeremiah, the “late” Adrian Rogers, and Charles Stanley. All can be heard on Bott Radio Network.)
Followers of Jesus – Baptist or otherwise — can yet be a part … in one way or another … even at the last minute.
Did you miss “Crossover” in 2016? It is scheduled to happen next year and each year … until Jesus returns.
For more information click on Your call for information is welcomed. Tom Firasek can be reached at 314 225-1328; and Metro East (side of St. Louis) Director of Missions Ronny Carroll at 618 624-4444.