Florissant, Mo Mayor Tom Schneider invites us all to the 54th Annual “Valley of Flowers” festivities in Florissant, in North St. Louis County. While continuing for decades … with no plans to stop … the reference in this conversation with the Mayor refer primarily to the one in 2016, Friday through Sunday, May 6 – 8. There is a parade, barbeques, and a range of family friendly activities described at www.florissantvalleyofflowers.com. It even includes a circus providing 5 performances wherein “everyone … regardless of age … is nine years old again!” (Seeing this later? Watch for a similar one in early May of next year.)
Mayor Schneider is in his 36th year of continuous elective service – 31 years as member of the City Council and 5 years as Mayor – in Florissant, Mo in North St. Louis County.
He explains that his political affiliation is really with the “Wholesome” Party. “90% of Florissant is wholesome,” he reports. “The other 10% needs to either get ‘wholesome’… or get out!”
Remarkably, the City of Florissant is older than the United States Constitution. “The Constitution was established in 1789. Florissant was incorporated in 1786!”
Florissant is also “faith friendly.” Example: recent National Day of Prayer celebrations (on the first Thursday of May each year) have been on the lawn of the Florissant City Hall. When Joan and I last attended there, participants following the noon event were invited into the City Hall for hospitality and refreshments.
For more, visit www.florissantmo.com.