In this second radio warning from University of Missouri Law School Professor and religious liberty constitutionalist Carl Esbeck, he cites some threats and dangers of our rapidly eroding religious liberties.
Important in this noble cause: the Missouri House of Representatives needs to pass Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 39 so the Missouri voters can vote on it in August or November..
As a basis of our resisting efforts to take away our religious liberty protections, the following understanding is essential and important: To followers of Jesus Christ, he is our authority, guide, teacher, Lord, Savior and forgiver of all our wrongs. When asked about marriage, Jesus taught (paraphrase): “Haven’t you read in the book of Genesis that the Creator made male and female … and that a man [one man] shall leave his parents and marry a women [one woman] … and that the two shall become one flesh.” (Matthew 19:4-6) That is marriage!
As a spinoff of the legalizing of same-sex marriages, Professor Esbeck points to a number of negatives throughout our country in the efforts to rob us of many ministries. Others can do their “thing,” but the constitution should not allow others to bully, intimidate, pressure, and force us to be “crammed” into their mold.
We remember that John the Baptist died – he was beheaded — because of taking a stand on a moral issue! :
Christian adoption agencies, foster care agencies, Catholic charities, crisis pregnancy centers are being harassed by government authorities. They are being told that they must approve, work with, support, and provide children for adoption or foster care to those in same-sex “marriages” — or their licenses to minister and their tax exempt statuses will be removed!
Not realistic? It is already happening!
He cites how 30 magistrates refused to perform same-sex marriages, and resigned!
The legislature in those states passed legislation that would NOT require them to perform such “weddings.”
The current situation in Missouri (as of April 11, 2016):
· The Missouri Senate broke a near 40-hour filibuster to pass SJR to the Missouri House of Representatives.
· The House has it under consideration for two required committee hearings (since it is a proposed Missouri constitutional amendment.
· It then must pass the House.
· Then the governor is required to place it on a 2016 statewide ballot … wither in August or November.
What can we do?
· Contact members of the House of Representatives are found by name and area by Googling “Missouri House of Representatives," then putting in your postal zip code or address;
· Contact him/her by calling or emailing with the request: “Please support SJR 39 for religious liberty … without amendments!” (Any amendment is really a vote against SJR 39 … for such will send it back to the MO Senate to start all over again … and we will run out of time before the Legislature finishes they term end of May)