Religious Liberty is under attack!
The citizens of Missouri, as well as others in these United States of America, are facing the reality of the loss of our religious liberty.
Thankfully, good leadership in Missouri is doing something rather than nothing. It is in the form of Senate Joint Resolution (“SJR”) 39. Among them are the guests in this radio discussion: Missouri Senator (and physician) Robert Onder, chief sponsor of the legislation, and Don Hinkle, editor of the “Pathway,” official periodical of the 1,900 churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention.
In March of 2016 legislation moved forward in the Missouri legislature to provide more protection for religious liberty. Currently there are very real dangers that those with religious convictions would be penalized … or financially ruined … if they chose not to be supportive of, say, same-sex “marriage.”
With this legislation, the vote would be taken to the people
In the first few days of March, 2016, a group of Missouri Senators spent nearly 40 hours to “filibuster.” They fought to avoid Missourians having the privilege of voting to protect religious liberty.
While it is but a first step … a big first step … a majority of Senators were able to break this filibuster against religious liberty! The Senate voted to advance this proposed Missouri Constitutional Amendment to the House of Representatives. Their passage will send it to Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon … who would then set a date for the citizens of the state to vote on it, likely either in August or November of 2016. Be watching and aware!
This interview has additional significance. Senator/Dr. Robert Onder is Catholic. Pathway editor Don Hinkle is an evangelical Southern Baptist. Both have come together in good friendship and partnership in behalf of religious liberty.
They follow a pattern of past ;radio that is perhaps historic. The leading Catholic of the St. Louis region … St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson … and the Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention’s 1,900+ churches … Dr. John Yeates … were guests on the same radio show with me in behalf of Religious Liberty. Their mutual passionate concern in behalf of religious liberty was and is more important than other differences. That time of important radio is still available for anytime listening. To hear …
“St Louis Archbishop Carlson, MO Baptist CEO Yeats partner in ‘Freedom Rally’ for religious liberty” … click on …