Knowing Todd Akin for thirty years, I say without reservation: “Todd Akin is one of the finest men I know!”
A former Missouri State Representative (for 12 years) and, then, United States Congressman (for 12 years), Todd was the true example of what these positions are supposed to represent, the people!
Jesus said: “These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
After an impeccable record of integrity in public and private — unmatched by even Presidents of the United States — heavy tribulation came into the life of Todd Akin and his very fine family. During 18-hour days of campaigning for the United States Senate — reportedly with a billionaire hiring a surrogate to track and record his every word — Todd publically made what he describes as an “awkward” statement. These few words were widely reported to the media by those who oppose him and his integrity, and widely repeated by the media in a negative manor.
For weeks during that political campaign, the secular media — when reporting anything about Todd Akin — would routinely, in the name of “news” – add unsolicited and unnecessary comments, such as: “You remember Todd Akin. He said …” and then repeat the one brief but awkward statement! They did this for weeks! In the name of “news,” in brainwash fashion, they daily “piled on” this righteous man, assuring victory for his opponent. And, in my opinion, they were “carrying water” for the billionaire who was out to politically destroy Todd. The media, really, did the public “dirty work” in a campaign to politically ruin the future of this great man!
Contrast this scenario that ruined Todd’s political future to his opponent, the U. S. Senator. She, in an earlier campaign, on nationwide television (NBC’s “Meet the Press”), repeated her support for “partial birth” abortion!! Partial birth abortion is that gristly procedure that would legally allow the termination, the destruction of any baby – even a healthy baby – when, during birth, any part of the baby is not separated from the mother!
Compared to daily attacks – for weeks — in local and national “news” reports on Todd Akin’s one awkward statement, I never once heard the media repeat … even once … this horrible attitude of Todd’s opponent of approval of partial birth abortion!
Further note: Within days of Todd’s noted utterance was the Democratic National Convention. Former President Bill Clinton comes to the Convention, bringing along the baggage of his career of womanizing, and lying about it. The Convention cheers him! Todd Akin, a living great life of ethics and integrity, is repeatedly attacked by the media and others for one awkward utterance! Bill Clinton has a career that includes repeated desecrating the White house Oval Office while president with Monica Lewinsky. Again, the DNC in session and Todd’s pubic words, happen at virtually at the same time. Result: much of the media piles on in euphoric ecstasy with repeated negative “reporting” about Todd Akin’s words. Bill Clinton, sliming his way through public life, cheered at the DNC! What’s wrong with this picture?
My scripture for exposing this sad comparison: “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
Another Scripture that applies into this scenario:
“And as it is appointed once to die, and after this the judgment!” (Hebr4ews 9:27)
A Yogi Berra truism fits here: “It ain’t over ‘till it’s over!” There are still challenges!
Former U. S. Congressman Todd Akin and his family still have their virtue.
Listing even some of the virtues of Todd Akin and his family would take several more pages.
More later!
Todd Akin’s book … Fighting Back … can be ordered for $20 (postage paid) by writing to:
“Todd Akin’s Book, 3370 Bouquet Road, Wildwood, Mo 63069”