Still a surprise to many: most people in the world are primarily oral learners!
With this reality in mind, Mark Snowden and the late great Dr. Avery Willis co-authored a book about it, titled Truth That Sticks: How to Communicate Velcro Truth in a Teflon World.
Dr Paul Cedar, Chairman of the Mission American Coalition ( asked Mark and Jerry Wiles to head a work group and present their findings at 2016 Mission America Coalition annual meeting.
Hear Mark in a brief discussion of these matters in this brief radio conversation.
His work group co-leader can be heard in a ten-minute discussion of it, titled … “Dr Jerry Wiles: specialist in water well drilling in poor nations; focused ministry to oral learners” … by clicking on …
About Mark Snowden:
“He was raised in Kentucky by godly parents and accepted Christ and was baptized at seven years of age. He surrendered to full-time Christian service while in college and has been ordained to the gospel ministry. He studied at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., and holds a Masters of Science from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va. Mark has served the Kentucky Baptist Convention, IMB, and NAMB. He has also served as a consultant to Saddleback Church’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan in Lake Forest, Calif. The late Avery T. Willis, Jr., and Mark co-authored _Truth That Sticks_ (NavPress). Mark has also developed Snowden Ministries International to do three things: (1) conduct orality workshops, (2) provide Bible studies for small groups that use Bible Storying, and (3) lead laity to plant churches. Mark is married to Mary Leigh and they have one daughter and one grand.”
Out of the archives: one of several radio conversations with Oklahoma Baptist University fellow student Dr. Avery Willis, founder of the International Orality Network ( titled “Avery Willis: Eagles soar through, over trials; so can we; book written with grandson Matt Willis” …. is accessed by clicking on …