From Jeremy R. Smith is a self-described “debtor to unearned grace, advocate for the local Church, and backyard missionary.” Jeremy’s life miraculously changed when he met Jesus in 1996. Since then, he’s been passionate about helping Christians and non-Christians to think through and seriously consider what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters.
As the Executive Director for Faith Ascent Ministries, Jeremy, along with Faith Ascent’s teaching team, speaks regularly at churches and conferences to equip pastors, parents, and teenagers with the tools they’ll need to articulate and defend "the reasons for the hope they have in Jesus." (1 Peter 3:15)
Jeremy received his Certificate of Study in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in La Mirada, CA and is currently studying Apologetics & Outreach at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Jeremy also serves as a Corporate Chaplain at Cordell & Cordell (A Domestic Litigation Firm.
Faith Ascent has public gathering from time to time, such as the invitation to us described below … as well as “Base Camp” for young people each summer. Most base camp attenders go through college and university with their biblical faith intact!
Parenting & Pastoring in a Post-Christian Culture
With Josh & Sean McDowell
Friday, Nov 20th, 2015 (7PM-9PM)
Missouri Athletic club (Downtown)
405 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63102
What is Base Camp?
Base Camp is 5 days and 4 nights of fun, fellowship, and intense preparation for the challenges and opportunities college bound Christians will be presented with. In a real college environment we ask and answer the tough questions Christian teens are asking (and being asked).
Questions including but not limited to:
– Is truth relative? Can something be true for me but not for you?
– Does science contradict or compliment Christianity’s creation account?
– What do people of other religious faiths believe? How can we love them well?
– What do atheists actually believe? How can we love them well?
– Is the Bible reliable and trustworthy? How do we know?
– Is the historical Jesus the same as the Jesus of the New Testament?
– Was the resurrection a real historical event? How do we know?
– What exactly is the gospel? What are false gospels?
– Are traditional Christian sexual ethics outdated and bigoted?
– How do we love our LGBT friends and family without compromising the truth?
– What does evangelism look like in a postmodern & post-Christian culture?
– What exactly are we saved for? What now?