Donnie Williams, longtime St. Louis resident, is a professional sales consultant.
Years ago his coming to faith in Christ led to a hunger for the Bible and especially, to learn of the promises in the Bible regarding the future.
In this radio conversation, he provides a moving personal story of the value of sharing one’s faith in Jesus. As a student in the University of Missouri, sitting in the Student Union, he was approached by another student who asked Donnie’s permission to share a story with him. He agreed. Out came the famous “Four Spiritual Laws” booklet – written by the late Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as “CRU”). As the conversation ended, Donnie prayed to receive Jesus the Christ into his life!
His passion for the Word of God grew and led him to focus on Bible prophecy. Years of study of scriptural predictions led him to develop a website –, which continues to develop to the present time, receiving thousands of “hits” daily. It contains many remarkable charts to simplify results of his study, revealing his conclusions. Donnie readily recognizes that among Godly people there are various – multiple — interpretations of prophecy, but that all bible believers should stand united in the conviction that Jesus Christ will return!
Donnie Williams’ website for his profession is
In the area of the impact of a gospel witness on the campus of the University of Missouri, another important story: To hear … “Basketball great Steve Stipanovich tells his surprising story at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast” … click on …
In the written copy of it, this story: “As a basketball star at the University of Missouri, he was the second player nationwide selected that year in the National Basketball Association draft. During his junior year in the University, he was surprised to hear a campus “street” preacher proclaim the good news of Jesus and His power to forgive and save. Other students made fun, but not Steve. Right then and there he received Christ into his life. As they say, the rest is history!”