Attorney Bill High is Director of National Christian Foundation Heartland (, the “Heartland” portion of NCF located in Kansas City. Founded by the late Larry Burkett and Ron Blue, NCF encourages a climate of joyful generosity. Participants make donations through NCF which distributes the donations as the donors direct, providing a single tax receipt at year end to the donor regardless of the number of ministries receiving the gifts.
NCF is highly skilled and effective in tax-wise donor strategies, thus maximizing the amount given to advance the Kingdom of God.
This year NCF is on track of receiving … and distributing … $1,000,000,000 (that’s one billion with a “B”)!
Bill also invites us … if you are reading this in time … to have breakfast — with Hobby Lobby founder David Green who … I understand … enjoys generous giving by donating half of the profits! The Breakfast is on Friday morning, October 16, 2015 at the St. Louis Marriott West Hotel. His comments will add light to the famous Hobby Lobby case that was concluded by the United States Supreme Court. David Green and Hobby Lobby refused to spend one penny to finance stopping the heartbeat – or to end the life in any way – of an unborn child.
Hobby Lobby, begun in the Green Home on borrowed money, now does $4,000,000,000 (Billion … with a “B”.)
Reservations for the breakfast are required. Reservation information is found by clicking on
More is to be found about Bill High by clicking on Personal observation by my bride Joan of 54 years upon seeing Bill’s picture: “He’s so cute!”