Hear Pastors Rick Brenton and Jose Aguayo discuss healing and growing ministry for Ferguson … in their own words.
Senior Pastor Rick Brenton of Zion Presbyterian Church in Ferguson is also the President of the Ferguson Ministerial Alliance. In this radio conversation Pastor Rick and Pastor Jose Aguayo – volunteer Ferguson Police Department Chaplain and one of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains (among his several ministry titles) — discuss plans that confirm the truth of Romans 8:28: that “… all things work together for good to them that love the Lord …” A lot of what happened in 2014 in Ferguson, MO, is not good … but our God is able to bring good things out of it….beauty out of ashes!
In the discussion, they refer to ministry plans regarding the first anniversary plans in 2015 of the summer of 2014 unrest due to the tragic death of Michael Brown.
At the same afternoon of this recording with Pastors Aguayo and Brenton was a moving recording of compassion, forgiveness and hope with Michael Brown’s uncle, St. Louis Pastor Charles Ewing – Christian Coalition Missouri liaison Anastasia Syes (“size”) available for anytime listening by clicking on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/671/5/.