Historian William J. Federer (www.americanminute.com) in 2015 recounts the 100th anniversary of the shocking murder, the massacre of 1,500,000 Armenian professing Christians by the Ottoman Turks.
Longtime friend Bill Federer, who I consider a “walking encyclopedia”, provides shocking and compelling evidence in this 10-minute overview of one of history’s saddest tragedies. He has authored 20 books, the classic and pivotal one being America’s God and Country: An Encyclopedia of Quotations. I have used it as an authentic reference for years, seeing in it great capsules of events and their spiritual significance not found in most history books.
We can have access to the inspirational and spiritual aspects of events on the anniversary of their occurrence at www.amiricanminute.com. Thousands receive that day’s brief account by subscribing … without cost, available at his website.
Bill Federer has most of the content in his books committed to memory and available as a resource at his many speaking engagements around the country. He would be delighted to hear from you about the possibility of speaking at your event. You can leave a message by calling (314) 502-8924.