When asked about marriage, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, answered:
“’Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that in the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh …’” (Matthew 19: 4 – 6)
How could marriage be defined any more clearly? In the first book in the bible says that the Creator God made (1) male and (2) female; and that a man (singular – one man) shall leave his parents and be joined to his wife (singular – one woman)!
That’s marriage … one man and one woman. One man and one man is not a marriage, nor is one woman and one woman a marriage.
Pastor Rick Scarborough for years has faithfully functioned as God’s prophets did of old. He boldly speaks and acts effectively to the great issues of the culture … from a biblical base and perspective.
Founder of Vision America (www.visionamerica.org), this radio conversation with Pastor Rick is very helpful opposing same-sex “unions.” Hear him speak clearly in support of biblical marriage … one man (singular) to one woman (singular).
Be blessed as you hear the man of God, Pastor Rick Scarborough.
Shortly before this recording, he was a part of a nationwide radio broadcast defending marriage with three other Christian leaders — Tim Wildmon of American Family Association; Attorney Mat Staver, and Dr. James Dobson of “Family Talk.”
You can sign the pledge to support biblical marriage at both www.defendmarriage.com and www.visionamerica.us. Joan and I are among the many who have done so. It takes less than two minutes.