Will Graham says about his world famous grandfather, Evangelist Billy Graham:
“I’m not trying to be the next Billy Graham; I’m just Will Graham,” says the ordained minister. “I have a burden in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s to an arena full of people or one person on the street, I will do whatever God is calling me to do.” (Quotes in this content are from BGEA publications.)
In Will’s visiting Ferguson, site of great unrest in 2014 that received worldwide attention, he takes part and supports Ferguson’s and St. Louis’ “We are One” thrust. It is an effort to, among other objectives, to be an answer to the prayer of Jesus in John 17: 20 – 23 that those who are his would be “one!” While efforts that oppose biblical faith — that dilute the focus and truth of the Word of God – we remember that Jesus wanted biblical unity among those who are His.
So Will Graham, Vice-President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – his father Franklin is the President – supports us and shares the Gospel of Jesus at the “We are One” focus. The event’s objective is prayer, repentance, and seeking biblical unity pertaining especially to the trials of Ferguson.
Perhaps we could think of his Ferguson – occurring the last week of Will’s being in his 30’s! Many of us celebrate his 40th birthday, January 30, 2015!.
More: “And, God did call Will. In his teen years, Will attended a Bible camp where he committed his life to serving the Lord in ministry. ‘At age 15, I told the Lord, ‘I’ll do whatever You want me to do. If it’s flying airplanes, telling people in Asia or South America about Jesus, that’s fine. If You want me doing Crusades, that’s fine. If You want me to type on a computer somewhere, I’m fine with that. Just use me for ministry.’” …
About Will’s ministry: “The first of Will’s crusade-style events – called Celebrations – took place in 2006 in Leduc, Alberta, Canada. His first Celebration on United States soil came later that year in Gastonia, N.C. Since then, he has held evangelistic outreaches on six continents around the world.
Another time of radio followed the one available here and will air later. Will offered to do more in the future.
More “We Are One” Ferguson-related radio:
To hear “Dred Scott descendant Lynne Jackson thankful for ‘We Are One’ moves of God in & around Ferguson,” click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/623/5/;
To hear “Dr Tony Evans (www.tonyevans.org & Urban Alternative); visits Ferguson, serves God, advances good,” click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/622/5/;
To hear “Jose Aguayo & Dr David Claybrook re works of God in Ferguson, explaining the ‘Ferguson Declaration.’” Click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/621/5/;
To hear: “Vivian Dudley & Stoney Shaw re a 2015 ‘We are One – Ferguson Declaration’ STL event with Tony Evans.” click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/619/5/
To hear “Jeff Naber leads Billy Graham Rapid Response Team of chaplains, 40’ truck helping people in Ferguson,” click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/614/5/; and
To hear “Team Lead Kelly Burke: heartwarming stories re Billy Graham’s Rapid Response Team in Ferguson,” click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/618/5/.