As a Washington University student with no Christian background, George Stulac was basically an agnostic. He had few or no convictions as to the reality and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Students and staff of InterVarsity Christin Fellowship befriended him, frequently knocked on his door, cared for and spent time with him, answering his questions over a period of months. In time he came to saving faith in Jesus.
As a young adult he became a member of the InterVarsity staff. His background included degrees from Washington University, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, and then Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.
His thesis for his doctorate at Covenant Seminary on the book of James became part of the InterVarsity New Testament commentary series.
In 2013 Dr. George Stulac concluded a 33-year ministry as senior pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church on the west edge of Forest Park, location of the 1904 World’s Fair and the St. Louis Zoo.
In his brief radio comments here, longtime friend George gives testimony of his having prayed with others for more Christian faculty in area universities, particularly in his Alma Mata, Washington University. He is thankful to report of the current growing number of Christian faculty members and students. A 30 year prayer is being answered.
“It is that way all over the country!” an InterVarsity leader shared with George.
George Stulac’s new ministry is with InterVarsity, the ministry that God used to bring him to Christ many years ago. He will work with and encourage Christian faculty members in a four state region and serve pastorally with members of the InterVarsity staff.
In this radio time I asked George how his ministry is financed. “I am in the process of raising my own support,” he responded.
If you are led to help in this ministry, George can be contacted at Supporting him … helping him to advance his work more quickly … is ministry indeed.