From www.vegassaints.org:
“Vegas Saints is Dale Wynn Davidson’s broadcast and public speaking ministry which is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Dale hosts ‘Las Vegas Tonight,’ a national network television show seen in over 200 markets across the United States and in the Virgin Islands.
"Las Vegas Tonight’ features guests who are making an incredible difference in Las Vegas and around the world; they are the ‘Vegas Saints.’
“Dale has also written a companion book which highlights some of his most memorable guests [titled Las Vegas Tonight: From ‘sin City’ to Vegas Saints!!].
“TheWALKtv (http://thewalktv.com) is a nationwide television network designed to educate viewers ‘to better comprehend and appreciate their rich Judeo-Christian legacy and to apply such principles to their daily lives.’”
Dale Davidson’s comments about his Television ministry and his book: Las Vegas Tonight: From ‘sin City’ to Vegas Saints!!
“Throughout my experience running, and being part-owner of Las Vegas’ only Christian TV station, I’ve come to know many men and women of faith. Over the six years that I hosted my television program, Las Vegas Tonight, I’ve come to know the testimonies of some remarkable people.”
“Their stories are so unique and inspirational, I wanted to make them available to our viewers and others on an even broader scale. …..
"What you’ll read in this book are profiles of courageous men and women of God who have devoted their lives to serving Him. Some have come from such challenging backgrounds that you’d think that serving the Lord in a mighty fashion would be impossible. Survival would be a major accomplishment. Yet, they’ve become warriors for Christ, people who have a radical faith in Jesus Christ and think nothing of doing the improbable with remarkable success.
“More than anything, I am struck by their modesty. You’ll read how these wonderful Christians have overcome personal hurdles, won over opponents, and silenced the naysayers to change their communities and the world. Just like Jesus’ apostles, these men and women are heroically following Him, despite the consequences. They are inventive and unstoppable. They are my heroes. I pray that you will be inspired by their stories." …
Regarding www.walktv.com
“We invite you to join us:
“Explore the Past-through documentaries, teaching, biographies, dramas to better understand ourselves, our culture, our heritage and the principles upon which America was founded.
“Enjoy the Present-by visiting favorite destinations, local festivals and get to know the unique people who have made this country great, learning about contemporary political and social issues and seeing them from a biblical perspective.
“Envision the Future-by examining the trends, issues and technological discoveries that are shaping our future in an effort to leave a rich legacy to future generations.
“TheWALKtv, formerly LegacyTV, launched on January 11, 2010 and is seen via hundreds of affiliated stations across the United States….”