When St. Louis businessman Jay Peters was a young boy, he heard of a church having an Awana program for children (See http://awana.org). He and his brother went. The brother received Christ, then Jay. His unchurched parents wanted to know what their boys had gotten themselves into … so they also went to “check it out.” About that same time Jay’s dad, a businessman, was impacted by reading Hal Lindsey’s Late, Great Planet Earth. They, too, came to saving faith in Jesus … and are now missionaries with New Tribes missions in Columbia, South America.
Jay reports that the bible verses he leaned as a boy when in Awanas “…have carried me through life. I still remember them today.”
Today Jay Peters does ministry as a businessman, honoring the name of Jesus in a number of ways:
· He is helping develop a Christian seminary in Cuba, seeing remarkable movements of God in in response to the Gospel of Jesus in the area of the Seminary;
· With Fred Zielonko — General Manager of Bott Radio Network in St. Louis, MO – began the local “Christian Business Network,” helping businesspeople connect in encouragement and support of each other … in the context of high levels of honesty and integrity;
· Developed www.agapedonate.org, receiving donations of goods for up to 200% tax credit – then distributing the goods to children, those ill, and the needy.