Bishop Raphael Green has been lead Pastor of Metro Christian Worship Center in South St. Louis, MO since its “mustard seed” small beginning in 1987. (See
A strategic part of this multi-ethic ministry is its annual “Urban World Summit,” aimed at bringing the full ministry of Jesus Christ to the inner-city and urban world. In its 28th Annual Summit in 2014 (November 22 & 23), the impacting guest leader is Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church, Bellville, MD & the District of Columbia. “He is also presiding Bishop of the International Communion of Evangelical Churches, a network 1,000+ churches around the world.” He makes frequent appearances in the national media as a trusted voice for the message of Jesus and biblical morality. See more Click here
The schedule of the 2014 Urban World Summit features both Bishops Green and Jackson leading the four sessions on Saturday and Sunday, November 22 & 23 — can be seen at the church’s website,
We are invited to this one … and all the others in the future … until Jesus returns!.
Among the more recent writings of Bishop Jackson is a book co-authored with Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, titled "Personal Faith …Public Policy: 7 urgent issues that we, as people of Faith, must come together and solve." ,
In our radio conversation with longtime friend Raphael Green – in addition to his providing insights regarding the Urban World Summit — he tells of his deeply moving visit, years ago, to the Nazis Auschwitz death camp of World War II. It is noted at the core of the Nazis murder of 6,000,000 Jews is racism. German dictator Adolph Hitler and other Nazis perceived that Jews and others were racially impure, were less than human, and deserved to be killed. Such an evil world vies was the rational for Hitler’s murderous wickedness.
(As an aside, Pastor Raphael and several other pastors and their congregations – Ron Bobo, Joel Oliver, Doug Petty — come together once a quarter in John 17 unity to worship Jesus together. The mother of one of them, Messianic Jew Jake Rosen, was once a captive in the Auschwitz death camp that Pastor Raphael visited 50 years later. Most of Jake’s family … the generation or two older … were murdered by the Nazi’s, but, thankfully, Jake’s mother as a teenager survived Auschwitz. In illness she went into a coma … to awaken just after Auschwitz was liberated by our American soldiers and others. Had she not survived, we wouldn’t have Jake Rosen! Late in life Mrs. Rosen came into saving faith in Yeshua – Jesus – and is now in Heaven with Him. Her moving story in her own words can be accessed by clicking on
The message of the Urban World Summit is that Jesus Christ and His Gospel … lived out in Holy Spirit power … is the answer to the Urban World and all peoples everywhere. Again, to learn more, click on