“Dr. Mark Laverty is a concert pianist, the Music Director of Zion Lutheran Church, in Maryland Heights, and a piano instructor in Chesterfield, MO, near St. Louis. He has performed across the United States and Europe, and specializes in the music of Bach and Chopin. In 2006, he released his debut CD, ‘Music of Bach’, and he is currently working on an all-Chopin CD. Dr. Laverty is a St. Louis native who resides in Chesterfield. More information about his career can be found at www.MarkLaverty.com.”
It has become an annual event in St. Louis wherein Mark Laverty performs concerts to benefit unborn little children. In 2014 the date is (or was) on Sun, Oct 19, 4:00 PM in Zion Lutheran Church (just east of I-270 at 12075 Dorsett in Marilyn Heights) wherein Mark ministers as Music Director. There is no admission charge but an offering is received in support of prolife organizations.
Previous such concerts has resulted in thousands of dollars to support ministries to save the defenseless unborn. Dr.Laverty is pleased when his donations help provide services including the purchase of sonogram machines. When abortion leaning mothers see – by use of the sonogram — that their unborn child is indeed a living child with a beating heart, approximately 90% of moms allow their babies to live with adoption being the better choice rather than killing an innocent life.
Everyone, including unborn children, should have the right of “… life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
But for those who have had, encouraged, and approved of abortions, there is the Good News of the Gospel. The Word of God clearly proclaims that we ALL have sinned, that Jesus in love died on the cross for our sins, and that whoever repents toward God and receives by faith Jesus Christ is cleansed, forgiven of every sin.