A 2014 tragedy in Ferguson, MO brought the St. Louis suburb worldwide attention.
It also triggered a great movement by many – especially in that region – of seeking God in prayer and repentance for the next “Great Awakening.”
One of the reactions was a 21-day effort known as “The Ferguson Response” described at www.thefergusonresponse.com. From that website:
“We are inviting Christian churches, ministries, and individuals around the nation to join with believers in the Greater St. Louis region to exalt Jesus above the ethnic divisions, political injustices, and socio-cultural crises of our times. As a spiritual act, we will entreat the Lord to heal our nation’s historic spiritual wounds, and provide opportunities for residents of Ferguson to experience God through encounters with Jesus.”
While this particular focus is a 21-day response at the end of 2014, it is hoped that it may be a pattern for the nation … today and in the future.
In this brief time of radio, two of the Response leaders provide a good overview of it: Jeff Riddering, Director of Gateway House of Prayer in St. Louis; and Jonathan Tremaine Thomas, who was led of God from his home in Indianapolis, IN, to come and help in seeking Biblical solutions in Ferguson.
For those reading this by October 25, 2014, you are invited to visit a tent in Ferguson as the “come and go” center of The Ferguson Response (at the former Kentucky Fried Chicken property, intersection of Airport Road/Chambers and North New Florissant Road, just south of First Baptist Church of Ferguson). Both during and beyond this point in time it is hoped that additional efforts of seeking God in prayer and repentance will occur … everywhere!
Other brief radio voices providing spiritual leadership in the Ferguson crisis:
To hear “Pastor Michael Jones, Friendly Temple, STL; lives in Ferguson, MO. His biblical response to tragedy” … click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/560/5/;
To hear “Pastor Joe Costephens: radio from the streets of the Ferguson, MO conflict; ‘Jesus is the answer’” … click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/564/5/;
To hear “Bishop Calvin Scott & Believers Temple host powerful ‘cross the lines’ prayer times near Ferguson” … click on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/575/5/ .
Jeff and Tammy Riddering oversee the Gateway House of Prayer (www.gatewayhop.org), a former church building on South Lindbergh in south St. Louis, focused exclusively as a place of prayer. More about the Ridderings is at http://gatewayhop.org/content.cfm?id=370.
More about Jonathan Tremaine Thomas:
In 2006, he helped give leadership to a national sexual purity movement called “Pure Life Revolution” before relocating to Indianapolis, Indiana. Having spoken in countless assemblies across the nation, Jonathan is becoming widely known as a bold voice for righteousness, justice, spiritual renewal, and reformation. He currently serves as a speaker with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, the founder of Bound4Life Indianapolis, and the President of an urban ministry named EastGate Studios, Inc. Most importantly, Jonathan carries an uncompromising message of identity in Christ through an eternal perspective that is validated by his personal odyssey to ‘Be a Voice Among Static’”.
(PS – this “Ferguson Response” important time of radio will rotate off on the home page of www.haroldhendrick.com another powerful story:“Missionary Don Richardson tells his ’Peace Child’ story; Readers Digest printed 30 million copies” … which can still be heard anytime by clicking on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/569/5/).