With “hearts” to begin New Testament churches, Darren Casper reports that Plant Midwest began when “… a few of us got together in St. Louis, MO, to pray!’
The result?
Several hundred church “planters”, (followers of Jesus), get together regularly. They pray, hear challenging messages, study the scripture, share their hearts, strategize, and examine methods and principles for advancing the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 29: 19,20) by beginning New Testament Churches.
From www.plantmidwest.com
“plantMIDWEST is a network spread across the midwest that is framed by a historic, baptist doctrinal commonality. Our vision is to partner with existing churches to plant Gospel centered, Spirit filled, missionally focused churches in and among the various neighborhoods and people groups throughout the Midwest.
“We gather quarterly to learn, pray and connect. We provide a quality event which you will be confident in inviting your team members and potential planters to attend. This is not about any one church or a Christian celebrity. This is about a team. We want you to help us build this team because our cities are lost and God is glorified when we seek to fulfill the Great Commission together.
Thanks to the hard work of our media team, plantMIDWEST has built a way for us to connect online. Planters and pastors can join discussion groups by way of a protected-online Community. Register now!”
Darren Casper is Associate Director of the 130-member churches and missions of the St. Louis (MO) Baptist Association (www.stlbaptist.org), led by Director James Breeden. He is also founder of Plant Midwest (www.plantmidwest.com) composed of several church “planters” from several denominations and states who begin and develop local New Testament churches to advance the Great Commission of Jesus.