As a young child, Sara Moses survived the Nazi-created ghetto, and the World War II Nazi death camps at Ravensbrook and finally Bergen-Belsen!
Bergen-Belsen was the camp in which Ann Frank died. (The Diary of Ann Frank)
Now hear Sara Moses … Nazi death camps survivor … in her own words …
Sara, now living in St. Louis, MO, tells gripping, unimaginable stories of the horror and wickedness of those years … including her family – and millions of other Jews – murdered by the Nazis.
Her earliest ghetto memories are of her mother tenderly telling her “magical” stories … until the Nazi’s took her mother away and murdered her.
With the dying and dead all around her in the death camps, she had no toys and could only dream of food.
She remembers the words of the liberating solider who first saw her. He called to his buddy: “Come over here. This baby is still alive!” The nearly starved Sara was seven years old!
Sara Moses wants to continue telling the story as long as she lives. “If we forget the lessons of history, we are likely to repeat it!” she says.
Longtime friend and Messianic Pastor Jake Rosen ( made the connection that allowed me to have Sara Moses record radio with me. (This is the second “segments” of her story, the first already posted can be accessed by the search option). Most of Jake’s family … the generation or two older … were also murdered by the Nazi’s. But Jake’s mother as a teenager survived the Auschwitz camp. In illness she went into a coma … to awaken just after Auschwitz was liberated. Had she not survived, we wouldn’t have Jake Rosen. She tells her story in her own words, about five pages, which can be accessed by clicking on