Ryan and Jamie Wagner have served with “Cru” (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) on both the campuses of the Universities of Missouri and Colorado. Now they have been invited to the Cru headquarters in Orlando, FL to increase the world-wide viewing of the remarkably-used-of-God Jesus film, already translated into more than 1200 languages.
For more, see www.jesusfilm.org.
Noting that there are “… more cellphones in the world than toothbrushes …,” one of their challenges to which Ryan and Jamie are committed is to get many more people around the globe — especially “digitals,” young adults ages 18 to 30 — to install the Jesus Film into their cellphones.
Cru staff members must raise their own support. If you “have a heart” for the witness of the Jesus Film being viewed by more people worldwide, contributing to the support of the Wagners is certainly one good way. This can easily be done by clicking on: https://give.cru.org/0587238 .
Living in St. Louis for the next few months, Ryan and Jamie – who grew up in Eastern Missouri – will be meeting with current and new friends in support of their great work.
They can be reached at (314) 560-4471.