Karen Bacon and Mary Suzanne Crockett provide a brief but uplifting radio conversation explaining Hidden Heart Ministry, serving as a biblically based resource for adding to the joy and quality to marriages. Their focus includes hosting special events such as the August 23, 2014 delightful “Joy in the Morning” breakfast in the “Starlight Roof” room of the Chase Park Hotel on Kingsway in St. Louis, MO… free! (Did I say “free!?” It is to encourage women and their pastors in the context of …
· Loving Jesus
· Honoring Marriage
· Living for the glory of God
Upon reading this after the date of the breakfast, you can then watch for other gatherings and benefits of Hidden Heart Ministry by visiting www.hiddenheartministry.org. While this terrific event is free, registrations are required! (At the website or by calling 314-717-5138.)
And from that website is the following …
“Hidden Heart Ministry began in a prayer meeting, as a small group gathered around a kitchen table to pray for a friend whose marriage was in crisis; there was never an intention to start a ministry. That weekly prayer meeting soon became an in-depth search of the Scriptures (Genesis through Revelation) to discover what God had to say about marriage. As the light of God’s Word shone into our hearts, we were given an enhanced view of marriage as God designed it, and more particularly, the strategic influence that a life rooted and grounded in the love of Christ Jesus has on marriage and family…”
Hidden Heart Ministry … available to enrich your marriage.