Hear Joe, Harlan and David in their own words:
Connecting Believers
Interview Synopsis:
A St. Louis, MO area church has secured the Lindbergh High School auditorium for a public showing of two brief, but powerful, films that bring a message of hope. Defining Moments and The Cross, produced as part of the My Hope America with Billy Graham campaign, tell the stories of individuals whose lives were brought back from near destruction by the message of hope found in Jesus Christ. Southminster Presbyterian Church of Crestwood is partnering with other area churches to reach out to the lost in their communities in this creative way.
This effort is being spearheaded by local businessman, Joe Gallaher. Joe had read in Decision Magazine how God had impacted more than 10,000,000 (ten million) people in 57 nations through Billy Graham’s My Hope project and promised to get involved if it was ever brought to America. He got his chance last fall, partnering with others in his neighborhood to bring people into his home to view The Cross. The experience has so blessed Joe that he gathered others from his church to plan a public event. One of those helping is Harlan Rector, a media voice-over professional, who has worked with others in their church to develop a full evening of music and testimony.
All are welcome at The Evening of Hope, 7:00-9:00 on Tuesday, April 15. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn is lending support and believes this event will be a model for other churches. As such they are creating a documentary for that purpose. If you are learning of this later, please feel free to contact Dr. David Claybrook, the local My Hope America coordinator for information on how your church can participate. Dr. Claybrook is also on the interview and he will be happy to respond to your inquiry. Contact him at 314-497-3642 or myhopemissouri.gmail.com or go online at www.myhopewithbillygraham.org.