Sue Stoltz is the Mid-America Coordinator of the National Day of Prayer. In 2011, several Missouri Legislative leaders — Senators and Representatives, Democrats and Republicans – out of a desperate sense of need, behind the scenes, requested prayer.
Sue Stoltz was quickly enlisted to help make it happen. The result included a scheduled time of prayer in the Missouri State Capitol Rotunda and was titled: “Show me Your Glory Lord!” It has now become an annual event that precedes “40 Days of Prayer” for seeking God — in fasting and prayer — for the Missouri legislature, the state of Missouri, and for the great crisis of the United States of America.
In this radio conversation Sue Stoltz discusses the Rotunda “Show Me Your Glory Lord” prayer event occurring on Tuesday noon, March 25th, 2014. We are invited.
Another need for prayer: on that very same day, March 25, 2014, the United States Supreme Court hears the very important religious liberty case of the hundreds of Hobby Lobby stores in America. The Greene Family, owners of Hobby Lobby, is fighting efforts by the government requiring them to pay into a system to finance abortions. There is every indication that the Greens may give up their company rather than pay one penny to finance the destruction of unborn children.
In 2014 the Rotunda prayer time is to be preceded on the evening before, Monday, March 24, 2014, by an “Awakening Freedom Tour” ( event, conducted in the Concord Baptist Church, near the state capitol in Jefferson City, MO. For the impressive aspects of it, including those serving in leadership, click on It is sponsored by …
· Show me Your Glory Committee
· Missouri Baptist Convention
· Missouri National Day of Prayer
· Culture Shield Network
Hear National Day of Prayer leader Sue Stoltz – who is also the Mid-Missouri Manager of Bott Radio Network – share this inspiration in her own words.