Nancy Wilson ( was appointed by Campus Crusade for Christ (now “Cru”) founder, the late Bill Bright, as an “International Ambassador” of their worldwide ministry.
In this brief radio conversation, Nancy reports wonderful results in her just having visited the nations of Malawi, Cameroon, and Kenya, sharing “God’s Love Story” to mostly young people.
She finds most effective the telling of Bible stories, the primary way Jesus communicated with people.
(More about the focus of bible “storying” called StoryRunners is found at And more about Nancy and her use of StoryRunners is seen at
In an earlier interview with Dr. Slavik, new President of the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary, Nancy shared and supported Dr. Slavik’s comments. Again, in the Bott Radio studios in St. Louis, MO, in the interview with Nancy, Dr. Slavik shares insights as Nancy enthusiastically summarizes some results of her recent international visits.
The acquaintance as new friends of Nancy Wilson and Slavik has wonderful spiritual connections. It was the late Bill Bright, Cru’s founder, who appointed Nancy as a special International Ambassador. It was that same Bill Bright who wrote the impacting little booklet, Four Spiritual Laws, summarizing of the Bible’s teachings on how to be forgiven of all sins and have abundant & eternal life. As a result of the Ukrainian prayers for him by his dear grandmother, Slavik received a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws, read it, and, as a result, prayed to receive Christ, providing wonderful new purposes and joy in life!
Following Dr. Slavik’s “call” to preach the Good News, he earned a doctor’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas … and now is the President of the Ukrainian Seminary ( (Click under Our Ukraine Partner…”Learn More.”)
Nancy shared with Vonette Bright, Bill Bright’s widow, how God used Bill’s Four Spiritual Laws booklet as a key means of Slavik’s coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Now hear Nancy Wilson, supported by Dr. Slavik, in their own words…