On the 41st anniversary of Roe V. Wade, Blacks for Life founder Connie Eller stood outside the abortion mill of Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, MO. While there she had a conversation with a young pregnant woman who told her the following story: she took her toddler into the PP offices to enquire about having an abortion. She was immediately told that her child was not welcomed! Seeing a child before the very eyes of the women awaiting abortions would, obviously, be a reminder of the results of NOT having an abortion! And that could, of course, be bad for their business. Planned Parenthood gets paid for taking — for destroying — unborn children through performing abortions. They do not get paid for NOT doing abortions. I personally think of Planned Parenthood as being “…bounty hunters of the unborn!”
About Connie Eller:
· Grew up in New York;
· Had an abortion at age 17 … immediately regretting it as she left the facility;
· Received Jesus Christ into her life, bringing her forgiveness, meaning, and purpose … and abundant and eternal life;
· Became passionate about saving the lives of unborn children;
· Began “Missouri Blacks for Life;”
· Was on the Bott Radio (www.bottradionetwork.com) staff in St. Louis, MO, several years
· For years led the team that coordinated the fleet of busses that made the round trip to and from St. Louis and Washington, DC for taking part in the annual “March for Life,” on each anniversary of Roe v. Wade;
· A longtime staff member of “Our Lady’s Inn” (www.ourladysinn.org), described as “… emergency maternity shelters … located in St. Louis & St. Charles, Missouri for homeless, pregnant women, 18 or older, and their young children …”
Hear Connie Eller … in her own words.