Hear the quiet but passionate concerns expressed by Dr. John Yeats, Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention, composed of 1,900+ cooperating churches – and Don Hinkle, MBC’s Director of Public Policy and editor of MBC’s official periodical, The Pathway.
Jesus Christ clearly states in Matthew 19 that marriage is between one man and one woman … and so does the Constitution of the State of Missouri. In 2004 Missouri voters approved by 71% to 29% a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being one man to one woman.
When asked a question about marriage, this is what Jesus Christ taught: “Haven’t you read,” He replied, “that in the beginning the Creator made male and female, and said ‘for this reason a man [one male] will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife [one female], and the two will become one flesh? ‘“ (Matthew 19:4-6) Thus is marriage!
These spiritual leaders – Dr. John Yeats and Don Hinkle – have publicly prayed for and rendered respect to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. Now they speak prophetically in opposing the Governor’s unconstitutional action wherein he is granting Missouri tax benefits to same-sex couples who were “married” in other states.
From a November 14th article in The Pathway (www.mbcpathway.com).
“JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) leaders called on Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster to defend the Missouri Constitution and thwart Gov. Jay Nixon’s announcement Nov. 14, [2013] … that he would allow gay couples married in other states to file joint tax returns in Missouri.
“This is a flagrant disregard for the will of the people of Missouri,” said MBC Executive Director John Yeats.
“MBC Director of Public Policy Don Hinkle called Nixon’s action “reckless” and warned there could be repercussions for Nixon’s party. “The people of Missouri spoke clearly about marriage in this state being strictly between a man and a woman. There will be an election for a new governor in 2014. We urge Attorney General Chris Koster to defend the Missouri Constitution and the sanctity of traditional marriage against this shameful act. This is a sad day for Missouri.” …
To see the entire article, click on http://mbcpathway.com/2013/11/14/nixon-order-defies-missouri-voters-mbc-leaders-react/