As a CPA and man of integrity, Curt Prenzler saw very suspicious activity in high county office (in Madison County Illinois just northeast of St. Louis, MO), exposed it, and in 2010 was elected Country Treasurer. Once elected, he quickly took steps to restore honor and integrity to the office, in the process saving county property owners millions of dollars.
Biblically he applied Ephesians 5:10, 11” “…find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them …” Kurt Prenzler did some exposing.
After his election, the FBI “… came knocking at my door” seeking information about what Kurt had discovered.
People involved in the scheme are now going to jail.
In these challenging economic times, those in Madison County forced to delay paying their property taxes, thanks to Kurt, now pay a lot less in penalties … and more of them are saving their property.
Hear the compelling story in Kurt Prenzler’s own words.