Pastor Jerry Marshall was once a long way from being a pastor. As a young man, he played in a Chicago dance band…and began using drugs. An overdose nearly killed him … and brought on great alarm. He and his loving wife began a search for truth. A friend spent time with Jerry … which resulted in a great and wonderful life change.
As a powerful part of his personal journey in life, Jerry tells of a man who cared enough to show him from the Bible how to have meaning and purpose in life. In a part of just one day, Jerry Marshall went from bearing all of his sins and troubles … to receiving God’s gift of eternal life … and having every bad and sinful thing he had ever done … forgiven! As promised in God’s word, by receiving Jesus Christ into his life by faith, Jerry Marshall was completely forgiven, changed, and filled with inner peace, joy and purpose.
Jerry Marshall responded to the call to become a pastor. He has effectively served God as the longtime “Pastor Shepherd” of the New Community Church ( in West St. Louis (Missouri) County for many years. And as a Bott Radio Network ( programmer, his clear “Cutting It Straight” Bible messages have been broadcast for more than 20 years.
Hear the moving, summarized personal story of Jerry Marshall … in his own words.