Ephesians chapter 4 in the Bible explains that God calls Evangelists. Rob Welch of the St. Louis, MO, area is one of those God-called evangelists. When this radio conversation was recorded, Rob and his team were preparing to leave for Tanzania, Africa, to lead “festivals” of preaching Jesus Christ in two regions … expected to number in the hundreds of thousands. Pictures of so many receiving the Good News of Jesus in their last festival (in Homa Bay, Kenya) can be seen at www.forhisglorymin.org. Even More impacting and enlightening detail can be observed by clicking on http://www.forhisglorymin.org/what-we-do/ .
Earlier I asked my longtime friend Dr. David Claybrook, a board member of For His Glory Ministries, of his evaluation of the ministry of Rob Welch. “Rob Welch,” David responded, “is the real deal!” I got it!
Rob’s background is that he is out of Wheaton College, Billy Graham’s school, and was a part of the Billy Graham Center there.
I recently invited Rob Welch to be my radio guest (he didn’t ask me), knowing that this absolutely marvelous opportunity to advance the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) needs about another $50,000 to have the adequate financing for the Tanzanian Festivals. Joan and I are rich in so many ways – family, inner peace, joy, opportunities to serve — but not so rich in cash dollars. This being said, we will commit to providing $1,000 of the needed $50,000 … in hopes that others of you will join us. You can do it at www.forhisglorymin.org.
Hear Evangelist Rob Welch … in his own words … as he prepares to leave St. Louis for the “Great Commission” opportunity in Tanzania.