Mary Nelson was recently included in a TV production by NBC’s Stone Phillips which was aired on St. Louis, MO, public television’s Channel 9 on May 7th, 2013. It was a moving “heart” story of Stone Phillips and his siblings lovingly addressing the needs of their aging parents – including his mother’s dementia. The elder Mrs. Philips, formerly a Parkway School District teacher (in west St. Louis County) and Stone’s father were gracefully assisted in their moving from Friendship Village on Olive in St. Louis County to North Carolina to be closer to family.
Stone Phillips returned to Friendship Village on May 7th, 2013, to watch the TV production of the experience with his parents’ friends there – including Mary Nelson.
In this brief radio conversation with Mary Nelson, we also discuss her quiet but powerful life. Though never having been married, and never having biological children, her developing concern for unborn children led her to do good things, eventually leading to the founding of what is now known as ThriVe
Mary Nelson’s heart and actions have led to the saving of thousands of unborn children!