William “Bill” Murray, son of the late (murdered), famed atheist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, speaks at the 4th Annual “Show Me Your Glory “ prayer event on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 5:99 PM, sponsored by the National Day of Prayer (Sue Stoltz, NDP Regional Director).
We are all invited.
From www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org:
…..“From his office in Washington, DC, William J. Murray continues to work for the rights of Christians in America and persecuted Christians around the world. Under his guidance the Religious Freedom Coalition assists Palestinian Christian families and supports Christian schools in the West Bank. He has traveled to Israel and the West Bank on numerous occasions.
“William J. Murray has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC nightly news as well as various Fox News programs. He is a regular guest on numerous radio talk shows. Murray also speaks at numerous conferences and church events each year. He is the author of seven books including his best-selling autobiography, My Life Without God, detailed his childhood in the dysfunctional home of atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O’Hair.”
Hear Bill Murray in this brief radio conversation … in his own words.