David Smith, CEO of the Illinois Family Institute (www.illinoisfamily.org) and Pastor Danny Holiday of the Victory Baptist Church in Alton, IL provide a strategy for resisting the unbiblical push in the Illinois Legislature to legalize single-sex marriage. As it appears of the writing, it may pass the Illinois Senate but citizens have an excellent opportunity to defeat their effort in the Illinois House of Representatives. David Smith explains that any Illinois resident can call 217 782-2000, give his/her address to the Capitol operator, and you will be helped in being connected to your Representative or Senator.
To Bible-believing followers of Jesus, the push for single-sex marriage is a very pivotal issue. The first part of Matthew chapter 19 explains. When Jesus was asked about marriage, this was His response:
“’Haven’t you read,’ he replied ‘that in the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said ‘For this reason a man [singular man] will leave his father and be united to his wife [singular woman], and the two will become one flesh … “ (Matthew 19: 4,5 – brackets mine)
Two people of different genders are essential and are required in marriage … with no exceptions. One of them is a male person and the other a female person who together become united and become one flesh. “ … the two will become one flesh …”
That is how Jesus Christ defined marriage. One must defy, reject, and rebel against the teaching of Jesus if they come up with any other definition.