Vicki Stamp, media director for Samaritans Purse for St. Louis and 10 counties in Eastern Missouri, reports a historic accomplishment performed by great numbers of followers of Jesus. Since the beginning of Operation Christmas Child in 1993, sponsored by Samaritan Purse, 100 million shoeboxes of love gifts for needy children worldwide now have been delivered!
In 2012 her own St. Louis and Eastern Missouri region provided well over 41,000 shoeboxes, up from the previous year of 36,000.
To learn more of Samaritans Purse and the shoebox gifts of Operation Christmas Child, click on … .
Samaritans Purse is led by Franklin Graham, son of Billy and Ruth Graham, who also is the President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. See
Numerous Operation Christmas Child short radio stories — hosted by HHH and produced in the St. Louis Bott Radio Network station — can be accessed and heard by clicking on and doing a “search” for “Samaritans Purse.” Some are actual conversations with the children who received the shoeboxes, bringing joy to them and giving them the message of Jesus and His love.