Mark Snowden is Director of Evangelism and Discipleship of the 1,900-member churches composing the Missouri Baptist Convention ( He is overseeing the important “hand-in-glove” focus of reaching people for Christ and then disciplining them.
Mark was a ministry colleague at the International Mission Board and something of a “disciple” of the late Dr. Avery Willis (having co-authored with Dr. Willis “Truth That Sticks: How to Communicate Velcro Truth in a Teflon World”), spotlighting the necessity of ministering to the world’s majority, primarily oral learners, which includes a heavy focus on Bible “storying.”
The orality movement, an important part of completing Jesus’ “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19, 20), is based upon the reality that “… If you gave a Bible to every person in the world in his or her own language, the majority could not read it” … thus the growing emphasis of the “orality” movement in evangelism and discipleship.
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