Dr. Preston Parrish, Vice President, My Hope with Billy Graham (www.myhopewithbillygraham.com), the largest evangelistic thrust in the history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Already remarkably fruitful in 57 other countries worldwide, “My Hope” partners local churches with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to equip them as they would “counselors” in earlier Billy Graham events. Those volunteers so trained are referred to as “Matthews,” based upon Matthew 9:9,10. In the passage Jesus directed tax-collector Matthew to follow Him. In the next Bible verse (10) Matthew had assembled a group of his fellow tax-collector friends in his home to meet and hear Jesus. Over a period of time, the equipped “Matthews” develop a list of friends for whom they regularly pray and build relationships.
Preston Parrish provides examples of My Hope’s impact, the largest being India, wherein 800,000 “Matthews” were trained who opened their homes at the appointed time, wherein their house visitors would see and hear Billy and Franklin Graham on television proclaim the Gospel, and then invite the assembled guests to give their lives to Christ by faith. In India, recorded decisions of those responding to receiving Christ totaled 5,000,000!
The enlisting of churches and of “Matthews” in the USA for “My Hope” can begin soon, with its culmination occurring in November of 2013, Mr. Graham’s 95th birthday.
For more information, see www.myhopewithbillygraham.com.
He intends to be alive for his 95th birthday!
Preston Parrish’s radio conversation includes a report of the most difficult week of his life: burial of his father one day, and the accidental death of his 25-year-old son the next day.
In our radio conversation we also pay tribute to Dr. Sterling Huston, long-time advisor to Billy Graham and my personal friend. Sterling approached me in 1996 as a Christian “networker” in St. Louis at the Bill Bright-convened Fasting and Prayer ’96 gathering He asked: “Do you think there would be interest in the St. Louis Christian leaders to bring Dr. Graham back to St. Louis?” Did I ever! It was to result in the 1999 “Greater St. Louis (MO) Crusade with Billy Graham,” his last stadium event here. Among the many Dr. Sterling Huston impacted was our daughter, Karis. Joan and I now have a grandson named Sterling Hendrick Burritt!
Hear Preston Parrish … in his own words …
Segment #1