Hear this brief but inspiring conversation with Congressman Todd Akin.
My 25-year-friend, Todd Akin, candidate for the U.S. Senate from Missouri, has been constantly bombarded in the August 2012 primary with mudslinging TV, radio, newspaper, and print piece attacks from another candidate within his own party. Yet Todd, out of courageous principle, has refused to throw “mud” back, but instead taking the high road of contrasting points of view with other candidates.
My confidence in Todd Akin is so high that I have featured him as my radio guest more than 40 times.
The perpetrator of these uncalled for antics, a multi-millionaire who has never held elected office, has chosen to spend millions of dollars that God gave him to try to politically destroy his primary opponents Todd Akin and Mrs. Sarah Steelman.
A major issue to me is: what good people, like Todd Akin, would ever want to run for public office under the threat of relentless and misleading attacks that are being directed toward Akin and Steelman?
Another issue at stake to me: can a rich, multi-millionaire buy a seat in the United States Senate through efforts to annihilate his opponents through endless spending of attack ads on good people?
Mrs. Steelman may be a very fine lady. I just don’t really know her. But I have known Todd Akin for years and have seen him live out — in private and public — Christian virtues and values in a wonderfully consistent way.
I invite you to note the proof of Todd’s quality and character by looking at his family. He with devoted wife Lully home schooled their six children. They have wonderful daughters, three of the sons are graduates of the U. S. Naval Academy, and these three sons were all deployed in military service to their country.
Perry Akin — 11th in his class of 1,000 in the U. S. Naval Academy – upon learning of his father’s candidacy for the U.S. Senate, was led to offer himself to serve as his father’s campaign manager. Think of it: these who know Todd best, members of his own family, are the most committed to their father vision and integrity. Parry, for instance, gave up his promising job and is now leading Todd Akin’s campaign.
Hear this inspiring statement of Congressman Todd Akin … in his own words.