Gary Smalley and Joe White have been radio guests on the 2,000 broadcast outlets of Focus on the Family probably more than any other two guests in the history of the FOTF ministry! And now Gary Smalley and Joe White, longtime friends and neighbors in Branson, MO, team up to provide a fun, warm, joyful, and practically helpful marriage conference… for those with good marriages, not-so-good marriages, and for those who welcome a good marriage! (Results for some? One of the couples got remarried to each other at one of the conferences.)
And we are invited! This particular one referenced here is in St. Louis, MO … but if you miss this one, watch for others along the way and around the country.
And they pack in all this good stuff in just one-half day!
More about Gary Smalley and his extensive helpful marriage resources are found at Millions have seen his television specials (they were aired world-wide) with prominent Americans promoting videos helpful to marriage.
More about Joe White, with his great range of passions for good things, can be found at He is a widely-utilized speaker … to stadiums-full of men at Promise Keeper rallies … and is the head of the great Kamp Kanakuk series of camps in and around Branson, MO, hosting thousands of young people each year … and its Kids Across America Camps focused on seeking out and involving inner-city youth. His “fire” within includes meeting the needs of men and seeing them discipled … spotlighted in a work he founded, Men at the Cross (
Focus on the Family and Men at the Cross are now in partnership to sponsor Passionate Love Marriage Conferences around the country.
Hear Gary Smalley and Joe White … in their own words.