Ken Williams is another good example of difficult times producing results that benefit many. When his St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Belleville, IL (in the St. Louis, MO region) encountered a financial crisis, church leaders reached out to trusted Ken – their church organist with his financial background and his love for Jesus and the church – for guidance.
The results of this “low key” approach were so successful that 5,000 churches have now used his Effective Stewardship program … with about 300 churches actively involved in it at any given time.
Effective Stewardship is now available to you and your church. In his passion to assist God’s churches at such minimal costs, Ken is available to assist you and your church to grow in generous financial stewardship in a proven and Biblical approach. Learn more at
From a 2012 letter that Ken wrote me:
…It must have been 1995 or 1996 when you interviewed me on "Encounter" right after I began making the "Effective Stewardship" program available to other churches after starting it at St. Matthew in 1992. Since then, over 5,000 churches in all 50 states and Canada have benefitted from the program and our Fall Campaigns.
It seems to cross geographic lines with ease. It also crosses denominational lines in that 22 different denominations and groups have used it. These range in size from 35 people to over 10,000. Some of those would normally not build a program on the Scriptures, but God is faithful to honor the Word (Isa. 55:10-11) so that it produces a harvest wherever the seed is sown.
As you may recall, I started the program to solve a financial problem at St. Matthew where I have served as organist, teacher and board member since 1990. I did not start it to earn a living. In many respects, though, I feel like Abraham's servant who said, "I, being in the way, the Lord led me."
Our website: gives a video presentation which tells how I started the program. It also contains information about our Fall Campaigns, some philosophical information called "Communiqué," and information about a new program dealing with the time and talents aspects of total stewardship….