Enjoy this warm but brief radio conversation with Dr. John Yeats at an early point in his called ministry as Executive Director of the 1900+ member churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention.
He summarizes the Gospel, explaining how one can receive Christ Jesus, be forgiven and have “abundant” life here and now …and, when our life is over, enjoy the wonders of Heaven forever. He is warm, enthusiastic, gracious, and an articulate voice – like unto John the Baptist – regarding the need for individuals and our nation to repent and to turn back to our Creator… As a moral voice in his previous ministry in Louisiana, John had a strategic role in that state become the most pro-life state in the nation. Along with his role in Missouri of “….making missional disciples, multiplying churches and developing effective 21st century leaders…” he passionately wants to see Missouri have that leading role is saving the lives of unborn children.
From www.johnyeats.net:
Dr. John Yeats serves as the Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention. His responsibilities include leadership, oversight and strategic planning for the Missouri Baptist Convention. He assists the convention comprised of 1900+ cooperating churches with making missional disciples, multiplying churches and developing effective 21st century leaders. Part of his responsibilities includes funding promotion and support that is vital to the cooperative work of the churches that comprise the Missouri Baptist Convention.