Dr. John Splinter is Executive Director of the St. Louis, MO Pure Hope Ministry (www.purehope.net and www.purehope.net\stlouis) – “Providing Christian solutions in a sexualized culture.” John is an expert spokesman and teacher in this important and necessary field. He is available to provide resources, point to strategic websites to protect ourselves and our children, and speak as his schedule allows. In this radio discussion he speaks of his role in a half-day seminar entitled “Providing Moral Leadership in Sexualized Culture” sponsored by the Missouri Baptist Convention’s Christian Life Commission. It is the kind of event John welcomes assisting here and hereafter … crossing all kinds of denominational lines (He is PSA Presbyterian). Themes addressed in the particular conference include:
- A Mentoring Approach to Premarital Preparation
- Dealing with Homosexuality in the Church
- For Men Only ministries:
- Ministering to Men in Today's Highly Sexualized Culture
- Reasons for Chastity – A workshop for Youth Ministers
- Setting Boundaries – A workshop for Youth Ministers
- Training Parents in Today's Highly Sexualized Culture
- Using Bible Studies to Break the Ice
Is there a need for this kind of emphasis?
Studies reveal that the number of people … both “in and out of the church” involved in pornography … is shocking!