Brian Lester, third of four generations now leading The Lester Family (, widely known in the Midwest USA for singing popular gospel music since 1925. The singing Lester family was begun by Brian’s grandparents and continued by his parents, all four of whom are now in Heaven. Under his leadership Brian continues this great tradition of honoring Jesus through their music. The concert Brian discusses in this radio conversation – typical of so many – is to raise money for Joni Ericson Tada’s Wheels for the World (, a great ministry providing refurbished wheelchairs and other walking accessories for poor disabled people in third world countries … in Jesus Name … free. Judy Redlich, undeterred by her on physical blindness, directs the St. Louis Gateway portion of Joni and Friends (
The following article was Published the day after airing the above radio conversation, which included a focus on Wheels for the World:
(Headline) Wheelchair program helps Missouri prisoners give back
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:45 am |
CHARLESTON, Mo. • A new program at a prison in southeast Missouri is allowing inmates to clean and repair walkers, wheelchairs, crutches and canes for people in developing countries.Prisoners at the Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston are assisting in the Wheels for the World Ministry. Inmates at two other Missouri institutions – Ozark Correctional Center and the Women's Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center – also do work for the ministry. Prisons in several other states also participate.
Missouri Department of Corrections director George Lombardi says the program allows prisoners to give back for the crimes they committed.
End of article